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hmo health plan philippines

ER Care choice

hmo health plan philippines

Perfect for short gigs and short trips. ER Care Choice gives you the freedom to choose the benefit limit and coverage period according to your health plan needs and budget. It provides up to P50,000 worth of outpatient (ER treatment) and inpatient (confinement) care coverage on emergency cases due to accidents, viral/bacterial diseases, and specific conditions. Adults ages 18 to 70 can take advantage of this one-time use health plan. 

The benefit limit covers:   

  • Doctor’s professional fee 
  • Emergency room treatment 
  • Laboratory and diagnostic procedures 
  • Ward room,if confinement is required 
  • Required medicines during hospitalization 
  • Surgery and surgeon’s fees, if medically required 
  • Surgery and surgeon’s fees when medically necessary 
  • Use of operating room, recovery room, and ICU, as medically necessary 
  • Special modalities of treatment as medically required in emergency room care and confinement, and subject to Php 5,000 standard limit. 

ER Care Choice’s validity period can be 30, 60, or 90 days. It can be used in more than 500 IHC-accredited hospitals in the Philippines, including the Top 6 hospitals in Metro Manila namely Asian Hospital and Medical Center, Cardinal Santos Medical Center, Makati Medical Center, St. Luke’s Medical Center (QC and BGC), The Medical City. 

How to buy

How to buy Prepaid HMO Cards

To purchase, please click here, and use Referral code: AQA6NO

You will be taken to iCare ecommerce website

Open an account
Follow the easy steps to choose preferred products
Click product, add to cart, change quantity as desired
When done adding to cart, proceed to checkout
When asked for referral code, use AQA6NO
Proceed to payment
After payment, pls send screenshot of confirmation to

For companies & those who prefer to pay in check, choose “Check” as payment method.Then email us at the ff info: 

Purchaser name:
Email address:
Contact number:
Complete billing address:
Prepaid Plan Type:
We will then send you a Billing with Reference No. along with instructions how to pay.

After your payment is confirmed & posted, we will send you your Prepaid Vouchers, which you can then register.

If you are having difficulty, you may choose to send us email to and we will do the purchasing for you and send you payment instructions. 

Purchaser name:
Email address:
Contact number:
Complete billing address:
Prepaid Plan Type:
For assistance: 09178192590 or email us at

Click here to proceed to buy

What is the Referral Code: AQA6NO?

When you decide to buy, you will be taken to the ecommerce website of iCare where you will choose the products and pay. This is a secure portal and your payments will be made through the official payment channels of iCare, and not to us or to any other 3rd party.  You will be issued official Invoice & OR of iCare. This ensures that your transactions are secure and legitimate and you are paying to a legitimate company, not to any 3rd party who may not even be connected to iCare.

As an Accredited Sales PartneriCare provides us with a small token for every referral. This small tokens are used to maintain this website. This enables us to dessiminate the benefits and advantages of iCare products to a wider audience which would otherwise be unavailable or would have limited visibility.

By using the referral code AQA6NO, your are assured of a secure & legitimate transaction allowing you to enjoy the amazing benefits of iCare Prepaid products, and at the same time you also help our fellow Filipinos gain access and also enjoy affordable health care.

To know more about us click here

Click here to proceed to buy

Thank you for your support!


ER Care Choice plans you can choose from:

Benefit LimitCoverage PeriodRoom AccommodationPrice
Php 30,000.0030 daysWardPhp 100.00
Php 30,000.0060 daysWardPhp 200.00
Php 30,000.0090 daysWardPhp 300.00
Php 50,000.0030 daysWardPhp 150.00
Php 50,000.0060 daysWardPhp 250.00
Php 50,000.0090 daysWardPhp 300.00

Build the right plan for you

Choose the benefit limit of your plan *

  • Php 30,000.00   100.00 (Php)
  • Php 50,000.00   150.00 (Php)

Choose the duration of your plan

90 Days Validity+200.00 (Php)

30 Days Validity

60 Days Validity+100.00 (Php)

Return & Refund Policy

Return, Replacement and Refund Policy

This policy is created to narrate return procedures of IHC prepaid healthcare products and to provide refund process for said returned products.


  1. This policy applies to IHC products namely: ER Care Basic, ER Care Booster, ER Care All-In, and MedConsult.
  2. This policy allows the return of the product and refund of fees paid, subject to a handling fee of Php 400.00 per product.
  3. The refund will always be paid in Philippine Pesos. The refund will be based on the actual amount received by us and all refunds will be processed and paid out in the same manner that it was paid to Insular Health Care. That is, if the product was purchased with a credit card, the refund will be credited to the credit card with the same card number. Insular Health Care reserves the right to require documentation and proof that will prevent the fraudulent return of the product.
  4. Return is possible only if the product is not yet registered to any person. Once the product has been registered to a person, it cannot be returned. The person who has been registered under the product will continue to be covered subject to the Health Care Agreement governing the ER Care and MedConsult Series.
  5. The return and refund of any product that has not yet been registered must be done by the Purchaser himself/herself. Please refer to the procedures below on how to return a product and request for a refund and their documentary requirements.
  6. The return of the product must be requested within the period shown below. Beyond these periods, the product is no longer eligible for return and refund or replacement.
    1. Fourteen (14) calendar days from purchase date for units sold through the e-commerce site of IHC
    2. Seven (7) calendar days from the purchase date for items sold through IHC agents, brokers and other accredited partner platforms.



  1. The Purchaser must send an email to to request for the return of a product. The request must include the following information and documentation: 
    1. Complete Name of the Purchaser
    2. Contact number, email address and mailing address of the Purchaser
    3. The reason for the return
    4. Request for a replacement product and/or refund
    5. Proof of purchase which may include the confirmation email sent by IHC
    6. Photocopy of two (2) valid government-issued ID of the Purchaser
    7. If IHC issued an Official Receipt, the image of it must also be presented. Please note that if we agree to the return of a product, the original Official Receipt must be returned to IHC prior to the implementation of the replacement or refund.
  1. IHC shall acknowledge the receipt of the request for a return of the product through email.
  2. IHC shall conduct an evaluation and within two (2) working days of receipt of the complete request for a return of the product, IHC shall advise the customer on the decision of the request for the return of the product. Detailed computation and instructions on the return, replacement and refund will also be provided.

Replacement and Refund

  1. A replacement handling fee of Php400.00 per product shall apply.
  2. The replacement handling fee or refund handling fee shall be deducted from the amount paid.
  3. If you want a replacement product, we shall offset the amount due from the product being returned against the cost of the replacement product.
  4. If the replacement product’s price is higher than the product being returned, less the replacement handling fee, the difference will be settled by the Purchaser before IHC issues the replacement product to him/her.
  5. If you want a refund, please allow 20 working days to prepare your refund.
  6. The refund will be based on the actual amount paid and all refunds will be processed and paid out in the same manner that it was paid to Insular Health Care. That is, if the product was purchased with a credit card, the refund will be credited to the credit card with the same card number. Insular Health Care reserves the right to require documentation and proof that will prevent the fraudulent return of the product.
  7. If payment was by means other than by credit or debit card, refund shall be given in the form of a company check paid to the Purchaser and sent via courier to the Purchaser’s mailing address. IHC shall not issue any refunds in cash, regardless of the amount.
  8. Notwithstanding #8 above, if an Official Receipt was issued, the check will be paid to the same name as shown on the receipt.